Taxpayers Abroad Approaching June 17 Deadline
If you work or live outside the U.S., you have until June 17 to file your income tax return with the IRS. This deadline applies to U.S....

AI Not Smart Enough to Do Your Taxes
You shouldn’t count on AI to do your taxes anytime soon. Despite the rise of AI chatbots, relying on them for comprehensive tax...

IRS audit changes in SOP
The IRS has unveiled an eagerly awaited update to its Strategic Operating Plan (SOP), a comprehensive blueprint delineating the pivotal...

Bad Tax Advice from social media can lead to frozen refunds
Don’t get your tax advice from social media. The IRS had to issue a consumer alert addressing concerns about a series of tax scams and...

IRS audit changes in SOP
The IRS has unveiled an eagerly awaited update to its Strategic Operating Plan (SOP), a comprehensive blueprint delineating the pivotal...

Tax Relief is the American Dream
The Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024 was passed earlier this year. A resulting change for individuals is an...

What Happens as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 Expires?
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 is set to expire at the end of 2025. This expiration will lead to some serious tax changes, some of...

More Money in Your Pocket: Tax-Free and Tax-Reducing Investments
Investors need to minimize their tax liability. This allows for higher levels of disposable income, as well as higher net investment...

Changes for the 2024 Tax Year to Look out for
There is a surplus of tax changes to account for as both individuals and businesses alike plan for the 2024 tax year ahead. Some of these...