Tax Season
Tax Season is almost here. It begins Monday the 23rd of January for this year. This season will definitely set records in terms of electronic filings. Identity theft is down and will probably be less of this year as the IRS has been cracking down on fraud and identification threats.
One such measure is delaying the handing out of the Earned Income Tax Credit. Any return claiming the earned income credit will be delayed until February 15. The delay will affect millions of poor and lower income families.
This delayed start will actually force people to do the same amount of work in a shorter time period, the final returns due on April 18, 2017. Once again, taxpayers can file extensions which give them until mid-October to get the returns in.
The Center would like to encourage everyone to file even though you may not be required to if they paid ANY money into the IRS. Anyone who has paid taxes into the US treasury via withholding, can get them back quite easily.